What Is Pickleball?

Discover what pickleball is, why it's gaining popularity, and how to play. Learn about this exciting sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong.
31 Jul
min read
What is Pickleball
Welcome to Pickleball. Sounds strange, but this fast-growing sport is a load of fun to play. Easy to learn and easy on the body, it is a crazy mix of table tennis, badminton and tennis.
You can play it casually with friends or join an association and play competitively, Dream Courts can install a Pickleball court in your backyard so you too can get on board the hottest new sport to hit the Australian shores.
So what is Pickleball? This easy-to-read and informative article is going to give you all you need to know about how to play Pickleball, this strangely named but incredibly fun sport.
The History of Pickleball
Pickleball has its origins in the United States of America, back in 1965. Two gentlemen- Joel Pritchard and Bill Bell, were looking for ways to entertain their families while holidaying on Bainbridge Island, Washington State.
There was an unused badminton court in the backyard, but not enough equipment to play. So they improvised with ping pong paddles and a waffle ball. Originally the net was set to the height of the badminton net, but the was lowered to make it easier to play.
A neighbour- Barney McCallum, joined in the fun, and together the three gentlemen formalised some rules. In 1967 a permanent Pickleball court was built in another neighbour's backyard, and from here, the popularity of the sport grew.
The origin of the name is debated. It may have been named after the Pritchard’s dog- Pickles. Another claim is it is named after the crew of a ‘pickle boat’, where the leftover sailors from other boats would join to form a crew. This is in light of the mix and match of ping pong bats, a badminton court and a waffel ball all came together to create the one sport.
How to Play Pickleball
Pickleball is incredibly easy to learn and play and is suitable for people of all ages. The size of the courts discourages aggressive shot play, so it feels more social and fun to take part. It is much easier on the body than full-sized tennis matches.
Pickleball Court Dimensions and Setup
Pickleball originally began life on a badminton court, and so the dimensions of a Pickleball court closely match those of badminton.
A Pickleball court is 13.41 meters long by 6.1 meters wide. The ‘Kitchen’ extends 2.13 meters on either side of the net. The net height is set at 91.5 cm.
From the edge of the Kitchen to the baseline, it is 4.57 meters. This area is split into two even halves of 3.05 meters. This is done so on the serve you are able to serve diagonally to the opposite side of the court.
Basic Rules and Scoring in Pickleball
Of course, there are some Pickleball rules, and while it may seem tricky reading them, once you start playing the game, you’ll see it all makes sense and is simple to become a good player.
Pickleball is a game played to 11 points. Only the serving team can score points. If the serving team FAULTS, that is the end of the serve for the player, and the next server begins.
A rally is started by the server standing behind the baseline and serving underarm, diagonally across the court. The receiver must allow the ball to bounce before returning serve. If the ball fails to bounce in court and lands out of bounds, it is a FAULT, and that person’s serve has ended.
You may not volley the ball (hit the ball before it bounces on the ground) before it has bounced twice - once on the serve and once on the return of the serve. This is the two-bounce rule.
The area on either side of the net is a non-volley zone and is called the Kitchen. A player may not be standing in this zone when they volley a ball. If they do, it is a FAULT.
You may step in to hit a ball after a bounce, but then you must step out again.
A point is scored by the serving team when the receiving team makes a FAULT. Faults include:
- Failing to hit the ball over the net or hitting the ball out of bounds, either over the sidelines or beyond the baseline.
- Volleying the ball on the service return or before it bounces on the serving side
- Stepping into the Kitchen while volleying
- The ball strikes a player anywhere beside the paddle hand, below the wrist.
Why Pickleball Is Gaining Popularity
The popularity of Pickleball is understandable- it is new and exciting, and it’s easy to get into. It feels more casual than a game of tennis, yet it can be exciting and competitive too.
You can pick up a paddle and get started, and with the smaller size of the courts, it doesn't take a herculean effort to return serve and have a fun rally.
Pickleball as a Social and Inclusive Sport
Pickleball is a fun game to pick up and play. Singles and doubles, and mixed doubles, too, all play on the same court with the same rules, so everyone can join in.
With the smaller size of the courts, you’re closer to your teammate and your opponents. This allows for more chat and more laughter. And with games only going to 11 points, you won't be playing for hours at a time to achieve a result. A quick game is a good game.
Health Benefits of Playing Pickleball
Pickleball is easy on the body while still giving you a cardio workout. You need to think quickly to see the ball and return it, so mental fitness is also key.
Getting out and being active, casually, without tiring yourself out, is good for your mental health as well. The social and casual aspect of the game, too, is positive for your state of mind.
You can go out, have a quick game, work up a sweat, and then relax with your friends. Then you can easily change teams and have another game!
Pickleball Equipment and Gear
What do you need to play Pickleball? Surprisingly little if you want a casual sport. The more you play, the more you’ll refine your game and the better equipment you may want. Here’s some advice for Pickleball gear.
Choosing the Right Pickleball Paddle
Generally, paddles are about 40 centimetres long and 20 centimetres wide. You can get them a little longer, and these paddles are suited to power players.
The range of paddles out there is crazy, and you can spend a lot of money on them.
Beginner paddles can start from $40 online. You will also find paddles with carbon fibre cores, which are light and easy to handle and a joy to play with. If you’re going to play casually, something light and easy to use would be best.
Different paddles can produce different results and will suit different styles of play. Some allow you to spin the ball more, and others allow for more powerful shot-making. You’ll discover what style of game suits you and a paddle to match.
Footwear and Apparel
This is a sport, so the right attire is important. You want the right kind of footwear- runners, tennis shoes, something to support your ankles.
You’ll also want sporting attire such as shorts, t-shirt and activewear.
Think safety and comfort when you’re choosing the right apparel to wear on the court.
FAQs on Pickleball
What Is Pickleball and How Is It Played?
Pickleball is a fun, fast-paced sport combining elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Played on a badminton-sized court with a lowered net, it involves singles or doubles players of any gender, using solid paddles to hit a perforated plastic ball (waffle) over the net.
The game's objective is to score up to 11 points by hitting the ball in such a way that the opponent cannot return it.
Easy to learn but challenging to master, pickleball is popular for its accessibility and sociable nature.
What Are the Dimensions of a Pickleball Court?
A standard pickleball court measures 6.1 meters in width and 13.41 meters in length. This size is identical for both singles and doubles.
The net in the centre of the court is set at a height of 92 cm) at the sidelines and dips slightly to 86 cm in the middle.
Detail the standard dimensions of a pickleball court, including the size of the playing area and the height of the net.
The "kitchen" in pickleball, also known as the non-volley zone, is a crucial area on the court. It measures 2.13 meters from the net on both sides, extending across the width of the court.
What Equipment Is Needed to Play Pickleball?
To play pickleball, you need several essential pieces of equipment:
- Paddles: Pickleball paddles, which are smaller than tennis rackets but larger than ping-pong paddles, are used to hit the ball.
- Balls: Pickleball balls are similar to wiffle balls, with holes through them. They come in different types for indoor and outdoor play.
- Net and Court: A standard pickleball court with a net at the correct height is necessary. The court is similar in size to a badminton court.
- Proper Footwear: Athletic shoes suitable for court play are important to provide grip and prevent injury.
How Does Scoring Work in Pickleball?
- Pickleball games are usually played to 11 points, and a team must win by at least 2 points.
- Only the serving side can score points. If the serving team wins a rally, they score a point; if they lose the rally, the serve passes to the other team.
- Games can be played as singles or doubles, but the scoring method remains the same.
- The server announces the score before each serve, stating their team's score first, then the opponents', and lastly, if they are the first or second server (in doubles).
Can Pickleball Be Played as Singles and Doubles?
Pickleball can be played in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. You use the same court, and the same rules apply, no matter the format.
What Makes Pickleball Popular Among Different Age Groups?
While it is a sport that is good for cardio, you’re not running around a large court, so people of any age group can enjoy themselves.
Its a social event for older or more casual players, or you can join clubs and take part in tournaments if you’re young and fit and fiery.
Are There Any Specific Health Benefits of Playing Pickleball?
Playing pickleball offers various health benefits. Physically, it improves cardiovascular fitness and enhances agility, balance, and hand-eye coordination due to its fast-paced nature. The game's lower impact compared to tennis makes it easier on joints.
Mentally, pickleball boosts mood and reduces stress, fostering social interaction and community building.
What Are the Basic Rules for Beginners in Pickleball?
For beginners in pickleball, the basic rules are:
- Serve underhand diagonally across the court, starting from the right-hand service square.
- The ball must bounce once on each side before volleys (hitting the ball in the air) are allowed.
- Avoid volleys in the non-volley zone (the "kitchen") directly in front of the net.
- Points are scored only by the serving side, and games are typically played to 11, win by 2.
Start Playing Pickle Ball!
How much fun does Pickleball sound? Easy to learn and play, great for a social pick-up game, or get serious and play in some tournaments.
It’s a new sport growing in popularity and something you should get into. Dream Courts can build a Pickleball court in your backyard! Pay with your friends on a sunny Sunday afternoon while enjoying the great outdoors.
Call us at 1800 670 290 or email enquiries@dreamcourts.com.au.